Archive for October, 2013

Wow!  I can certainly say that this was a very interesting challenge.  I learned a new word and a new style.  When I started out, the word I would use to describe the process is “tedious”.  Then I had a talk with myself, and I said:  “Self!  Slow down, breathe deeply, and don’t try to “draw” the dots, just place them on the paper in order.”  The second one I did was much more zen-like.  This still won’t be a style I’ll embrace, but I’m glad I persevered and made two tiles.  It’s a good thing I was able to finally enjoy the process, because I can’t say too much for the product, lol!



The first one uses a number of tangles plus a butterfly and flower.  The second one is a dotty Samson.  As you can see, I’m also playing around with my chop.  Up til now haven’t come up with one I really like.  Maybe this one is it.  We’ll see.

I’ve missed working on the challenges.  It feels good  to be back.  Hope you all enjoy your week.


I’ve missed the Diva Challenges for several weeks now but I was determined to make time for this week.  When I saw the challenge my first thought was “oh boy, a hard one”.  Then I grabbed my camera and went around the house looking for border patterns.  In just two rooms I found about a dozen.  Here is the tile I did.


Here’s a collage of the borders I found, which includes the two that I used for this tile.


I used the upper left plate and part of the table leg.  Now I’m off to look at the eye candy.  I’ve missed the Diva and her challenges and hopefully I’ll be able to participate for a while.