Category: Uncategorized

This week Erin added an extra challenge.  We were asked to base the challenge on The Robert Louis Stevenson novella, “The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde”   This is  the story of a prominent doctor who has a split personality.  His alter ego, Mr. Hyde, is a total opposite to Dr. Jekyll and is a murderer with no ethics or morals.   Erin asked us to explore the concept of opposites this week in our zendala.  The challenge this week is to split the template into two distinct sides, each the opposite in some way from the other.  We are free to do that any way our artistic muse suggests.

I will admit that I had a bit of a problem getting going on this one.  I think the reason is that part of the appeal of zendalas and/or mandalas for me is their symmetry.  The symmetry speaks to me of peace, tranquility, order…..all things that are often absent in life.  As a result, I wasn’t comfortable with total opposites in the tangles, so I chose to work with color.  This worked out well since I had just received a new set of Glittery Gelly Role Pens.  I chose green and red, opposites on the color wheel.  The only problem I ran into was that when I copied it after finishing it; the green glitter looks very very blue.  (The reason is that it is blue.  I thought it was green in the light I was working in, but I was mistaken.)   Oh, well.  Here it is:


Tangles: Tipple, Sand Swirl

For any of you who did black on white and white on black (which appeals to me a lot) I have a question.  How do you transfer the template onto black card stock??I know there is a white transfer paper that is used to transfer an image onto dark fabric.  Is that what you use?  I thought you had to use a transfer wheel to do that.  I’m totally stuck, and I’m sure if anyone can enlighten me it will be a “Duh” moment, lol.

Thanks for stopping by.


This week the Diva (Laura Harms) asked us all to use the same string.  The string is #004; and was submitted by Sue Agnew.  The string can be found here.   I love string theory challenges, because it’s exciting to see how very different each of the drawings are; but all using the same string.  Here’s my drawing on a 3.5″ official tile.


The tangles I used are Baton, Buttercup, Tipple, Hollibaugh, Bronx Cheer, ‘Nzeppel, Tipple, and Purk.

Don’t forget to visit the Diva’s website (link on the right) and thank you for stopping by and any comment you want to make.

Here is my entry for this week’s zendala dare from Erin at The Bright Owl.  I had trouble getting away from the actual lines, so I finally decided to just go with the flow.  There are so many design errors on this, that at first I wasn’t going to post it.  Then I decided to try the Zentangle approach.  I tried to look at the whole, and not the parts where I knew the mistakes were.  It works!  It’s drawn on a distressed ink background.  Here it is:


The tangles I used are Baton, Pearlz; Allium variation with auras, and some line work and fill.  Thanks for stopping by and any comment you want to make.

This week Erin gave us a template to use that I think is just gorgeous.  It was drawn by Mariet, a regular contributor to the Zendala Dare.  She used Genevieve Crabe templates which she won in a contest.  Be sure to go look at the original blank template, over at The Bright Owl.  Here is my first interpretation of the template


Tangles: Flux, Poke Leaf, Tipple

It’s a little busy, but it reminds me of a wreath.  It would probably look good with color.  I may just do that and add it to this post later.  I have an idea for another one which I’ll do if I have time.  For now this is it.  Don’t forget to go over to Erin’s site and enter your drawings and/or look at all the beautiful eye-candy.  Thanks to everyone who commented here recently, and I’d love to hear from you again.



P.S. I haven’t had time to do a second one yet, and I”m going on a mini-vacation to Victoria, BC; but I did color the one I already did.  Which do you like better…..color or black and white.  I personally vote for black and white.


This week Laura (The Diva) challenged us to a duo tangled piece, using ONLY Cirquital and Opus in our tile or zentangle inspired art.  I struggled with this for a while and tried a couple of square tiles I didn’t like at all; and then decided to put Opus INSIDE Cirquital, and I think it came out at least ok.  Here it is:


Opus is a tangle I’ve never put into a zentangle tile before, although I did draw out the steps for my pattern notebook.  I’m not very good at this tangle, and I can’t figure out why.  I like the way it looks when other people do it, like Maria; I just am not that fond of my own drawing of the tangle.  Oh, well; I absolutely adore Cirquital, so 50% ain’t that bad, eh?

I’d love to hear from you, and I want to thank everybody who has been commenting each and every week.  It means a great deal to me to see comments come in.  Until next time, Let’s Tangle!

Postscript:  I just went to look at other entries; there are 15 so far and I’ve made comments on all of them.  I just have to mention that I am always amazed at the results to the Diva’s Challenges.  First, I’m amazed at how very different some of the compositions are, second, I’m amazed at how often several artists have similar ideas; third, I’m always amazed at the beauty displayed.  You really need to see them all to get the full effect.  I’ll be visiting every day to try to get to all of them during the week.


This week our Diva, Laura Harms, challenged us to something totally new.  In her own words she issued this challenge: If you have some stencils in your stash, time to pull them out and try tangling using the stencils as your string!  Don’t fret if you don’t have any stencils in your art supply, you can use anything from around the house. ”  Well, I knew I had stencils, so I pulled them out.  Whoops!  They are tiny little images of animals designed to be colored with chalks and used for card making.   Hmmmm, what to do, what to do.  I thought about going out and buying some, but wasn’t in the mood to go out.  I thoought about using cookie cutters until I remembered I don’t have any!  I thought about using a glass and doing circles, but I’ve already done that many times, and I wanted to try something new.  Then I started looking at my hole punches.  Most of them didn’t turn me on either, until I came upon this one:


In this scan, the white is the negative space created by punching the tag out of black cardstock.  I used the negative space as a stencil and created this ZIA on tan paper.


After the strings were drawn and darkened with ink, I added the tangles.  In the “real world” each tag will have a labeled tangle on it and will be kept on a key ring (see picture below).  As you can see, I need a much larger keyring.  My ZIA is 4″ x 6″ and I used White Prismacolor pencil for the highlights, and graphite for the shadow.  It was fun to do this challenge, and I think I got outside the box on this one.  I’d love your take on what I did.  Until next time, happy tangling.


Dare #64

This is the first week of a new month, so Erin gave us an extra “dare”.  This week’s zendala should use only tangles that start with letters that spell out H-O-T or H-E-A-T.  We are to use each letter in the word at least one time, and use no other tangles.  This was a very fun challenge this week, plus I really like this template a lot.  I chose to spell out HEAT, so here is my zendala.


The tangles I used are Huggins, Ennies (variation), Angel Fish, and Tipple.  Be sure to stop by The Bright Owl website to see other zendalas.  I’d love it if you would leave me a comment.

Until next time, Let’s tangle!

The first week of the month is always UMT (Use My Tangle); where the Diva randomly selects a tangle made by one of us.  This month the tangle is called Birdie Feet and is by Owl Loving April.  It’s basically a small fill pattern, but I wanted to highlight it if I could.  I started out by auraing it like Laura did, and made it part of the string in some places.  Then I remembered Kuke, and thought how the Birdie Feet resembled the “Y” in Kuke, so added that.  I added some shading and a few orbs and called it good.  Here it is:


Don’t forget to drop by the Diva’s website to see all the versions of this new (to me) tangle.

Zendala Dare #63

Saturday is Zendala  Dare day, and I’ve got one done already.  Yay!  So, here it is.  I have to say the zendala I did doesn’t exactly ring my bell; but I may work on another one if I have the time.  Hope you enjoy.


I’m excited to show you a few Zentangle® tiles done by Will Hughes, who just happens to be my nephew.  Will is a third year PhD student and associate instructor in Literature at UC Davis in northern California.  He was in Washington for Thanksgiving last year and attended a class I held the day after Thanksgiving.  In two hours I taught him six tangles and here is the tile he completed.


As you can see, he has a real knack for tangling.

He seemed to really enjoy the Zentangle® process, so for Christmas I gave him some Zentangle supplies and a book and he just took off with it.  While he doesn’t have a lot of time in his busy study and teaching schedule, he says he tangles whenever he gets a chance.   He’s back in Washington for a summer visit and we tangled yesterday.  Here are a few of his tiles.


Actually this tile was done  in California.  I showed him how to draw a zendala using a wine glass as a template, both for the circle and to get six equidistant sections.  He did such a great job on the tangles.

These next two he did yesterday sitting at my kitchen table.


For this one he drew Phicops as a string and then filled each section with a diffeent tangle.  Clever idea.

And here’s my favorite.  I grabbed it before he even had time to sign it.


It’s so symmetrical and he certainly has some artistic genes he didn’t know he had.

I guess I just wanted to give him a venue for showing off his talents, and I wanted another opportunity to mention to my readers that if you don’t try it, you won’t know if you like it!

Until next time, Let’s Tangle!