Wow!  I can certainly say that this was a very interesting challenge.  I learned a new word and a new style.  When I started out, the word I would use to describe the process is “tedious”.  Then I had a talk with myself, and I said:  “Self!  Slow down, breathe deeply, and don’t try to “draw” the dots, just place them on the paper in order.”  The second one I did was much more zen-like.  This still won’t be a style I’ll embrace, but I’m glad I persevered and made two tiles.  It’s a good thing I was able to finally enjoy the process, because I can’t say too much for the product, lol!



The first one uses a number of tangles plus a butterfly and flower.  The second one is a dotty Samson.  As you can see, I’m also playing around with my chop.  Up til now haven’t come up with one I really like.  Maybe this one is it.  We’ll see.

I’ve missed working on the challenges.  It feels good  to be back.  Hope you all enjoy your week.
